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600T paper honeycomb lamination production line
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600T paper honeycomb lamination production line

  • Product details

一、BSJ124x8/2 液压升降台 Hydraulic Lifting table

1.幅面尺寸 Mension : 2700 x 1500mm

2.低位高度 Lower height: 400mm

3.高位高度 High height: 1300mm

4.油缸数量及直径 Cylinder No&diameter: 2-Φ85mm

5.装机功率 Installation power: 1.5kW

6.负荷重量 Loading weight: 约(About)2000Kg

二、MF6213 板材清扫机 Dirt cleaning device for board

1.最大清扫宽度 Max cleaning width: 1350mm

2.进料速度 Feeding speed: 12-11Om/min

3.电机功率 Motor power: 1.5+0.37kW

4.外形尺寸 (L x W x H): 2110 x 600 x 140mm

6.重量 Weight: 约(About)815Kg

三、BZY1113/25/980皮带运输机 Belt conveyor

1.皮带宽度 Belt width: 1300mm

2.皮带轮中心距 Belt focus distance: 2500mm

3.工作高度 Working height: 980mm

4.运输速度 Speed of conveying: 15-30m/min

5.装机功率 Installation power: 1.1 kW

6.外形尺寸(L x W x H): 2640 x 1500 x 975mm

四、MH6213双面涂胶机 Glue Spreader

1.最大涂胶宽度 Max width of the gluer: 1300mm

2.最大加工厚度 Max working thickness: 80mm

3.胶辊直径 Roller diameter: 200mm

4.涂胶速度 Gluer speed: 16m/min

5.电机功率 Motor power: 2.2kW

6.重量 Weight: 约(About)880 Kg

五、BZY3213/40/975 碟式运输机 Dish conveyor

1.运输宽度 Conveying width: 1300mm

2.运输长度 Conveying length: 4000mm

3.运输速度 Conveying speed: 15-25m/min

4.装机功率 Installation power: 1.5kW

5.外形尺寸(L x W x H): 275 x 1670 x 995mm

6.制品幅面范围 Products wide scope of applicaion: 500 x 500mm-1300 x 380mm

六、BQT4113/40 面板存放架 Board stacking device

1.最大存放宽度 Max stacking width: 1500mm

2.最大存放长度 Max stacking length: 2500mm

3.重量 Weight: 约(About)140 Kg

七、BZY1130/40/975 碟式合板运输机 Dish board combination

1.运输宽度 Conveying width: 1300mm

2.运输长度 Conveying length : 4000mm

3.工作高度 Working height: 880mm

4.装机功率 Installation power: 1.5kW

5.外形尺寸(L x W x H): 4460 x 1670 x 973mm)

八、 BQT 4213/40 背板存放架 Backboard stacking device

1.最大存放宽度 Max stacking width: 1300mm

2.最大存放长度 Max stacking length: 4000mm

3.重量 Weight:约(About)190Kg

九、BZY1113/82/880 皮带运输机 Belt conveyor

1.皮带宽度 Belt width: 1300mm

2.皮带轮中心距 Belt focus distance:


3.工作高度 Working height: 880mm

4.运输速度 Speed of conveying: 15-30m/min

5.装机功率 Installation power: 1.5kW

6外形尺寸 (L x W x H) : 8440 x 1500 x 880mm

十、BY624 x 26/60电动进出料热压机

Hot Press with Loading and Unloading Device

1.公称压力 Total pressure: 6000kN

2.工作层数 Woking layer: 1

3.热压板数量及规格 Dimension of platen: 2-8000 x 1300 x 60mm

4.热压板间距 Opening: 200mm

5.加压油缸数量及直径 No.&diameter of main oil cylinder: 22-0125mm

6.提升油缸数量及直径 No.& diameter of raising oil cylinder:4-Φ85mm

7.闭合速度 Speed of closing: 25mm/s

8.进料速度 Loding speed: 18m/min

9.加热方式 Heating way: 电热介质循环 Electric heated with thermic oil

10.装机功率 Installation power: 117.2kW

11.额定油压 Rated pressure: 22Mpa

12.供电制式 Power support system: 3PE 380V 50Hz

13.外形尺寸(L x W x H): 8765 x 2140 x 3145mm

14.整机总量 Gross weight: 约(About) 24800Kg

十一、BZY1113/82/880 皮带运输机 Belt conveyor

1.皮带宽度 Belt width: 1300mm

2.皮带轮中心距 Belt focus distance: 8200mm

3.工作高度 Working height: 880mm

4.运输速度 Speed of conveying: 15-30m/min

5装机功率 Installation power: 1.5kW

6外形尺寸(L x W x H): 8440 x 1500 x 880mm