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Loading & unloading wood door hot press unit with hierarchical belt
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Loading & unloading wood door hot press unit with hierarchical belt

  • Product details


1、皮带运输机 Belt conveyor


(1)皮带运输长度 Belt length: 2900mm

(2)皮带运输宽度 Belt width: 1300mm

(3)工作高度 Working height: 900mm(可调Adjustable)

(4)传送速度 Conveying speed: 15-3m/min (变频调速Frequency control )

(5)电机功率 Installation power: 1.5kW

(6)外形尺寸 (L x W x H) :   3050 x 1500 x 900mm


BZX124 x 8/2750

(1)运输宽度 Conveying width: 1060mm

(2)运输长度 Conveying length: 3100mm

(3)升降行程 Lifting route: 1600mm

(4)升降速度 Lifting speed: 220mm/s

(5)进出科方式Loading way: 纵向 电动 变频调速 (Width drection, Automatically, Frequency control)

(6)皮带运输速度 Speed of conveying:  15-30m/min

3、热压机Hot press

BY154 x 8/16(10)H1RC

(1)公称压力 Total pressure: 16000kN

(2)额定压力 Rated pressure: 22.6Mpa

(3)压板规格及数量 Platen No.&diameter: 11-2600 x 1200 x 120 mm

(4)层数 Layer: 1(分层)X10层

(5)层间距 Opening: 150mm

(6)工作温度 Working temperature: 120℃

(7)压板开启方式 Opening way: 电动Automatically

(8)进料方式 Loading way: 纵向 电动 变频调速 (Width direction,Automatically,Frequency control)


BZX144 x 8/2750

(1)运输宽度 Conveying width:1200mm

(2)运输长度 Conveying length:2500mm

(3)工作层数 Layer: 1

(4)升降行程 Lifting route: 1600mm

(5)升降速度 Lifting speed: 250mm/s

(6)进出料方式 Loading way: 纵向 电动 变频调速(Width direction,Automatically, Frequency control)

(7)皮带运输速度 Speed of conveying : 15-30m/min

(8)装机功率Installation powe: 0.75+2.2=2.95kW

(9)重量Weight: 2500kg

(10)外形尺寸(LxWxH): 2600 x 2260 x 3000mm

5、辊筒运输机 Roller conveyor


(1)辊筒长度 Roller length : 2500mm

辊筒直径 Roller diameter: 1300mm

工作层数 Working layer: 900mm(可调Adjustable)

运输速度 Conveying speed: 15-30m/min(变频调速Frequency control)

电机功率 Installation power:1.1 kW

外形尺寸 (L x W x H) : 2500 x 1550 x 900mm