1、皮带运输机 Belt conveyor
(1)皮带运输长度 Belt conveying length: 2400mm
(2)皮带运输宽度 Belt conveying breadth: 1300mm
(3)工作高度 Working height: 800-850mm(可调Adjustable)
(4)装机功率 Installation power: 1.5kW
(5)传送速度 Conveying speed: 10-40m/min变频调速(Frequency control)
(6)外形尺寸 (L x W x H): 2400 x 1760 x 850m m
(7)重量Weight: 约(about)400Kg
2、电动进出料热压机(带扫尘装置)Hot press
BY624 x 8/16
(1)公称总压力 Total pressure: 1600kN
(2)热压板数量及规格 Platen No.&size:2-2500 x 1300 x 42mm
(3)工作层数Working layer:1
(4)热压板间距Opening:300 m
(5)加压油缸数量及直径 No.&diameter of main oil cylinder: 10-Φ85mm
(6)提升油缸数量及直径 No.&diameter of raising oil cylinder:2-Φ85mm
(7)有效工作幅面最大压强 Specific pressure:5Kgf/cm2
(8)额定压力 Rated pressure: 28MPa
(9)闭合速度 Closing speed: 50mm/s
(10)加热方式 Heating way: 电热介质循环(Electric heated with thermic oil)
(11)工作温度Working temperature:室温-120℃(Indoor temperature-120℃)
(12)传送速度 Conveying speed:10-40m/min(变频调速Frequency control)
(13)进料方式 Loading way: 电动,纵向(Automatically, width direction)
(14)压板开启方式 Hot platen opening way:电动,PLC触摸屏控制(Automatically,PLC,Touching screen control)
(15)装机功率 Installation power:45kW
(16)外形尺寸( L x W x H ):3200 x 3370 x 2525mm
(17)供电制式Voltage: 3PE 380V 50Hz
(18)重量Weight: 约(about)7700Kg
There is a 30 seconds countdown sound signal designed in the electric controlling system And the 30 seconds can be adjustable.
Roller conveyer[With elevating and positioning device(Locating edges and center)]
(1)运输长度 Conveying length: 2400mm
(2)运输宽度 Conveying breadth: 1300mm
(3)传送速度 Conveying speed: 10-40m/min(变频调速Frequency control)
(4)装机功率 Installation power: 1.5kW
(5)工作高度 Woking height: 800-850mm(可调Adjustable)
(6)升降高度 Lifting height: 100mm
(7)外形尺寸 (L x W x H): 2440 x 1660 x 900mm
(8)重量Weight: 约(about)800Kg